
Powdery Mildew


Blackspot is identified as circular black spots that appear on the upper surface of the leaves, starting at the bottom of the plant and moving upward. Infected leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely.

Blackspot is a problem under rainy conditions, because the disease spores germinate on wet leaf surfaces.
What did I do?
Cut the effected leaves off, but kept any good green ones.
Sniped dead branches and pruned the rose as soon as I saw new things that looked like black spot. Started to water at the base of the plant so the leaves didn't get wet.
Bought rubbing alcohol and cleaned the pruners.
In the Fall and again in Spring of the next year, hard pruned down to a few feet for the rose to rejuvinate.

Frederic Mistral 2019 with Blackspot
Frederic Mistral 2020 with no Blackspot

Powdery Mildew

Leaves become covered with white powdery fuzz. Prevent powdery mildew by providing good air circulation around the roses
What did I do?
Cut the affected powdery part off the rose
Rubbed the clippers with alcohol before touching another rose bush
Made sure to water (in summer) towards the root and less onto the leaves of the plant


Bright yellow patterns made up of wavy lines may appear on the leaves


Aphids are soft-bodied insects that can be red, green, yellow, or black. They produce a sticky substance known as honeydew, that ants are attracted to

Pocket gophers

Gophers are stout-bodied with small ears and eyes and large clawed front paws. The gophers use a tunneling and excavating process.

What did I do?
Flattened the soil that was mounded
Put grass seed to cover the soil
Trimmed some of the roses that were close to the tunnel to remove the foliage near the burrow